Chamonix 2019
Chamonix 2019


My blog has commentary on work activity with more official content over on the Connected Environments corner of the internet. My work social streams are at the footer of the page and for those who remember I now have social bookmarks over on Pinboard.


For a quick overview of work information view the hello section in the top navigation or jump over to LinkedIn for a longer form.


Extra curricula making activities are in the projects section, videos are on Vimeo, photos are on Flickr (pseudonomad - my original web alias!), what I’m drinking is in whiskey and if you are curious about what I am listening to (other than BBC R6 / R4) then take a look at or a spotify playlist combining lab preferences.

Blog - latest from weekly updates on things seen or heard

  • Fusion 360 - how not to print

    Trying to 3D print

    Today I have mainly spent the day learning how not to print. I gave myself the challenge of creating a device from the ground up so that I could think about the process we are taking our students through. It is a combination of the software / hardware side of Arduino plus the sketching and prototyping of a physical interactive to be used by staff and students. The device is quite simple - a rotary encoder with push button and a small OLED to display the device number of one of fifty LED rings we are controlling via MQTT in the lab.

    (link to more...)